The VIPRivacy KEY
ROOM 707
Flee visibility.
Turn anonymity into an offensive position.
-The Invisible Committee
ROOM 707 is a space for writers, poets, and creatives to gather in secret to share their work. Historically, public spaces are not safe spaces for artists to share their ideas. Therefore, these private gatherings will be held in secret to protect creators.
We hear Virginia Woolf’s voice echoing from the past: we all need a room of our own.
The internet has transformed from a site of total freedom to a social-market laying siege to our daily inner lives. Now we are monitored for our safety and our wallets---where our smart cars travel, artless algorithms populate our playlists, a thousand business profiles tentatively connect to our shopping carts, each social interaction quantified and stored for its money potential, and on and on ad infinitum.
You do not surf the web. The web surfs you.
Is there nowhere to go?
Yes. We reclaim our private sphere in Room 707. We take heed of the Invisible Committee’s charge. We will be most creative and most alive in our anonymity and privacy.
Jessica Yatrofsky is an NYC-based photographer, filmmaker, and author, known for her work exploring body politics, beauty, and gender. She received her MFA from Parsons School of Design and published her first photography monograph, I Heart Boy, with powerHouse Books in 2010 and her second photography monograph, I Heart Girl, in 2015. In 2017 Jessica published her debut collection of poems titled PINK PRIVACY. Her photographic work is part of the permanent collection with the Leslie Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art. Jessica’s photography work has been exhibited overseas and her film work has been both televised and screened at film festivals internationally. Her writing has also been featured in publications such as Forbes, Interview, and New York Magazine. In 2021 Jessica began minting her work on the blockchain.